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Why People — And Celebrities — Keep Revisiting Their Exes, And Why It Rarely Works



Courtesy of Susan Trombetti

The allure of a past love is undeniable, even for Hollywoods elite. Just this week, rumors swirled about Jessica Simpson possibly rekindling her romance with John Mayer, sparking conversations about why so many celebrities — and everyday people — struggle to let go of former flames.

Celebrity matchmaker Susan Trombetti, CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, has seen it all. When A-listers need discretion, honesty, and real relationship advice, they turn to her. And when it comes to rekindling past romances, shes got one clear message: proceed with caution.

Simpsons rumored reunion with Mayer makes sense, Trombetti says. Hes publicly gushed about their chemistry, and after a major breakup, people seek comfort in the familiar lover. It can be an ego boost, a way to feel desired again.

But is it ever a good idea?

Whispers of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner potentially reuniting have also been making headlines. But Trombetti isnt buying it. She says Garners body language makes it clear shes not interested.

“Shes been his biggest supporter, his safe space, his rock, but that ship has sailed,” Trombetti says. “Ben is chasing a ghost, and shes already moved on.”

Affleck tried this once before, rekindling his romance with Jennifer Lopez only to divorce within two years.

“Your ex is an ex for a reason,” Trombetti says. “Going back might feel good in the moment, but its just a stop on the road to healing and not the final destination.”

Its not just celebrities who revisit old relationships, its human nature, according to Trombetti.

“The bottom line is revisit the past if you must, but dont get stuck there,” she says.

Her advice? If you want real, lasting love, move forward — not backward. “The right person is not in your past,” she says. “Theyre waiting in your future.”

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