Puppy Switcheroo...

Innocent Pit Bull Put On Death Row

Judge blasts sick canine owner for doggone cruel crime!


A barking-mad judge has thrown the book at a bozo pet owner who tried to keep his vicious dog from being put down by bringing in a totally innocent pooch to be executed instead!

Jason Dotson of Ohio was hauled into court after his off-the-leash dog savagely attacked both Robert Martin — who suffers from Parkinson’s disease — and Robert’s service dog.

After the horrific mauling, Dotson was charged with failing to confine his animal and was ordered to have the animal put down. But come termination day, Dotson tried to pull a fast one by substituting a different dog for his blood-thirsty beast!

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Prosecutors said that Dotson, 32, adopted a canine named Baby from an animal shelter. Two days later, he returned with Baby and tried to convince workers that the poor creature was really the dog meant to be destroyed!

Luckily, an eagle-eyed shelter worker spotted the difference, and a microchip revealed Baby’s true identity.

Judge Brad Greenberg howled that Dotson should be ashamed of himself for his stupid scheme.

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“If I could give you more time legally, I would,” a disgusted Greenberg spat before closing the case.

Thankfully, Baby is now safely back in the shelter and awaiting a loving family!