Craigslist Killer

Psycho Who Sliced Open Pregnant Mother Found Guilty

Dynel Lane murdered an unborn child to fake her own pregnancy!

craigslist fetus killer
Getty/Boulder County Sheriff’s Office

A deranged killer who lured a pregnant woman into her home with an online ad for free maternity clothes attacked the mother-to-be and viciously cut the fetus from the stranger’s womb!

Dynel Lane (inset) was convicted of attempted murder yesterday after the incredibly cruel attack in Longmont, Colo., last year.

Michelle Wilkins, seven months pregnant at the time, survived the stabbing and even managed to call 911 after having been thrown downstairs into the basement of Lane’s home.

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Her baby daughter, however, died.

In addition to attempted murder, Lane, 35, was convicted of assault and unlawfully terminating a pregnancy.

Those charges came after debate over whether the termination of Michelle’s pregnancy could be used to file murder charges — with the local coroner’s office finally ruling that the unborn victim was a fetus, having never breathed outside of the womb.

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Michelle (above, outside the courthouse) was present during the verdict, which arrived after seven hours of deliberation by the jury.

Court testimony revealed that Lane had tried to dupe her husband into believing she was pregnant.

After luring Michelle to her home with the ad placed on Craigslist, Lane repeatedly stabbed, choked, and hit the unsuspecting woman.

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Lane then waited for her husband to return home, when she presented him with the dead fetus and told him that she had a miscarriage.

Michelle was able to call authorities while Lane’s husband was rushing her to a hospital.

“I do hope she finds the time to reflect on what she did,” Michelle told reporters.

A prison sentence has yet to be determined, but prosecutors say the charges could add up to more than 100 years.