WATCH: Chris Mercer Exposes Secrets Of Selling Smart Drugs Online In ‘Dark Net’ Clip

Chris Mercer breaks down the challenges of manufacturing and selling smart drugs online in a preview clip from the Feb. 25 episode of “Dark Net.”

The Alabama entrepreneur admits he is new to the business and still has a little to learn about the best ways to sell his products. “I’m trying to jump into the business. I don’t have a lot of advertising budget,” Mercer says. “ I have product and I’m willing to give it to you cheaper. That’s the beauty of capitalism.”

Mercer goes on to admit that the process of creating the drugs is extremely time-consuming. However, he’s hopeful he will eventually have a serious payoff for his efforts. “Pretty much it starts with researching the compounds. Just putting the words smart drug in and seeing what comes up, and there’s hundreds of them at this point,” he says. “I buy it and then I resale it on the internet.”

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Watch Chris break down his struggles with the online smart drugs market in the clip above!

What do you think about Chris’ online drugs business? Tweet us @NatEnquirer or let us know in the comments section below. You can catch the latest episode of “Dark Net” on Thursday at 11 p.m. EST on Showtime.