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JFK Records: Key File Missing – Maybe Forever!



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Among the initial 63,000 pages of released JFK records, sources say there was a glaring omission — the potentially damning transcript of the first conversation immediately after the assassination between Lyndon Baines Johnson, Kennedy’s presidential successor, and then-CIA chief John McCone!

Moles believe the document would provide insights into the alleged involvement of the CIA in Kennedy’s tragic murder — especially as LBJ notoriously tried to employ the American spy agency to assassinate communist Cuba’s ruthless dictator Fidel Castro!


McCone, who died of cardiac arrest in 1991, was reportedly accused of withholding incendiary information from the Warren Commission, which later ruled that Lee Harvey Oswald was a deranged, lone gunman solely responsible for blowing away JFK.

But sources suggest that McCone’s alleged cover-up was an intentional smokescreen to keep the focus on Oswald — and away from other nefarious forces behind the shooting!

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James Johnston — author of Murder, Inc.: The CIA Under John F. Kennedy, who was a staff member of the congressional Church Committee that investigated the CIA in 1975 — says if there was a document that was going to “embarrass the agency or tell a different story, they wouldn’t have turned them over to the National Archives in the first place.

James H. Johnston

“And if they were withholding them before, I’m guessing they would continue to withhold them.”

A political insider spills that one motive for the CIA and McCone was that agency bigwigs believed Kennedy intended to break it up into weaker splintered divisions!

And as The National ENQUIRER reported in 2017, sources have long suspected that power- hungry LBJ enlisted a sinister cabal of military officials and foreign operatives — in addition to the FBI and CIA — to eliminate Kennedy!

Another insider insists, “That missing transcript could provide definitive proof that LBJ, McCone and others were covering up the horrible truth that Kennedy may have been killed by people in his own government!”

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