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Is It Allergies Or The Flu? How To Tell The Difference Now That Spring Is Here, And What You Can Do



Ingram Publishing / Newscom / The Mega Agency

As winter colds fade, spring brings its own seasonal health challenge: allergies. But when sniffles and sneezes strike, how can you tell if its just pollen or something more serious like the flu?

Dr. Efrat LaMandre, PhD, FNP-C — better known to her more than 680,000 TikTok followers as “Dr. E, the NP with the PhD” — is helping people decode the symptoms and take proactive steps to stay healthy during allergy season.

“Allergies and the flu share symptoms, but key differences include fever and body aches (flu) versus itchy eyes and long-lasting congestion (allergies),” says LaMandre, author of “Its Not In Your Head,” focused on validating patient concerns and pushing back against medical gaslighting. She also owns a medical practice in New York and chairs the Staten Island Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees.

In other words, if youre feeling wiped out with chills and muscle pain, youre likely fighting off a virus. But if youre reaching for tissues all day and cant stop rubbing your eyes, pollen could be the culprit.

Why does spring spark such discomfort? “Pollen counts skyrocket in the spring, triggering sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes for millions,” she says. “Even if you’ve never had allergies before, you can develop them at any age.”

For those with allergies looking to ease their symptoms, LaMandre recommends starting allergy medications before the season is in full swing, among other measures.

“Take antihistamines before peak pollen season, keep windows closed, shower after outdoor activities, and use an air purifier indoors,” she says.

There are dietary options, too. “Eating foods rich in quercetin (apples, onions, berries) and omega-3s (flaxseeds, walnuts, salmon) can help calm inflammation and reduce histamine release,” LaMandre says.

Still suffering? LaMandre says it may be time to consult a doctor: “If your symptoms last longer than two weeks, interfere with daily life, or lead to sinus infections or asthma flares, its time for prescription treatments or allergy testing.”

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