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In ‘Minding the Wealth Gap’, Investor And Entrepreneur Cliff Goins IV Explores Solutions To The Racial Wealth Divide



Minding the Wealth Gap: Our Playbook to Close It Together

An upcoming book from investment professional and entrepreneur Cliff Goins IV explores the systemic barriers have kept Black households $15 trillion behind white households in the U.S., and offers a playbook to change it.

“Minding the Wealth Gap: Our Playbook to Close It Together” offers a mix of hard data and compelling storytelling, lays out the economic, political, and social forces behind the staggering wealth gap, and highlights the people and strategies actively working to close it.

“Black Americans cannot close this wealth gap alone,” Goins says. “But that doesnt mean were powerless. There are real strategies and real people leading the way — we just need more people to get in the game.”

The book features entrepreneurs, executives, and change-makers who have launched trailblazing initiatives in economic mobility, homeownership advocacy, and investment equity.

“Minding the Wealth Gap” is a must-read for entrepreneurs, executives, policymakers, and others who want to be part of closing the gap.

“We must accept that one solution will not fix the U.S. racial wealth gap. There is no silver bullet, no one-shot-and-its-all-over tactic. There is not one concept or one category of ideas that will get us there,” Goins says.

“It’s time to stop talking about the problem and start being the solution. ‘Minding the Wealth Gap’ is your playbook to change the game,” Goins says. “This book is a call to activate solutions from wherever you are, whatever your influence, and wherever you find passion. You can unlock access, equitable wages, investments, and property ownership for people who have never experienced it before.”

“Minding the Wealth Gap,” from Broadleaf Books, hits shelves on April 8.
