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‘Immigration Realities’ By Ernesto Castañeda Debunks Myths With Evidence-Based Insights



Columbia University Press

In a time when immigration remains a highly debated issue, Ernesto Castañeda, director of the Immigration Lab at American University, offers a data-driven, evidence-based approach to understanding its complexities in his latest book, Immigration Realities: Challenging Common Misperceptions.

The book serves as a comprehensive resource that debunks widely held myths about immigration, using interdisciplinary research, historical context, and new findings from a study conducted in El Paso, Texas. Castañeda systematically addresses common assumptions — such as the belief that immigrants increase crime rates, drain social services, or resist learning local languages — and presents research proving otherwise.

Castañeda notes that much of the public discourse on immigration is fueled by misinformation rather than fact. The book provides key insights into border security, refugee crises, and economic contributions of immigrants, offering much-needed clarity amid ongoing political debates and policy discussions.

Each chapter is structured to debunk a specific claim, making it a practical guide for students, policymakers, journalists, and general readers seeking to engage with immigration topics from an informed perspective.

“Immigration Realities” presents decades of rigorous research in an accessible way, emphasizing the expert consensus that immigration plays a crucial role in strengthening economies and societies. With fresh insights from El Paso and other global case studies, the book is an essential read for those looking to separate fact from fiction in immigration discourse.

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