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Christian Music Star Amy Grant Contemplates Her Future After Heart and Brain Trauma




Ailing Christian songbird Amy Grant is contemplating her mortality and the future of her career after suffering two major medical traumas in four years, sources spill.

The 64-year-old Baby Baby chart-topper admits it’s been a rocky road since she was shockingly diagnosed with a rare congenital heart disease in 2020. The “ticking time bomb in my chest,” as she calls it, required open heart surgery.

Then, two years later, she suffered a severe brain injury after she hit a pothole and took a nasty spill off her bicycle near the Nashville home she shares with her country music star hubby, Vince Gill, 67.

While Amy says she’s made a full recovery from her heart drama, symptoms of the brain injury linger in the form of memory loss that leaves her needing to write down things on a calendar to remember them.

But the plucky singer says the ordeals have given her a new appreciation of life.

“I always saw myself living well into my 90s,” she explains. “To realize something can happen that you never see coming, and it could be over … everything became more precious.”

Noted New York physician Dr. Stuart Fischer tells The National ENQUIRER that Amy’s exercise regimen may help her heart condition, but it’s questionable if her noggin will ever fully recover.

“Brain injuries are unpredictable,” says Fischer, who doesn’t count Grant as a client. “Our brains are very complex and when nerve cells are killed, they do not grow back. After a traumatic brain injury, the brain has to figure out new pathways, just as if a highway is washed out. Amy could continue to make progress or could already have come as far as she ever will with her memory.”

Still, a friend says, “Amy counts her blessings. She knows that with her medical challenges, she could be a lot worse off!”
