Willie’s End is Always on His Mind!

Willie’s End is Always on His Mind!
Mark J Terrill/AP/Shutterstock

Wilting Willie Nelson is preparing to pass the torch — he’s instructing his grown children on how to run his cannabis company and manage his musical legacy when he’s gone, The National ENQUIRER has learned!

Sources snitched the 88-year-old country rebel — who has eight children from three marriages, along with a love child he didn’t know about until 2012 — has been fading in recent months.

As The ENQUIRER previously revealed, sources said Willie has been suffering breathing problems brought on by his legendary drinking and smoking, which is now in the past. He gave up toking weed, but relieves aches with his own Willie’s Remedy hemp oils.

“He won’t be around forever,” spilled an insider. “That’s one of the reasons he’s been inviting his kids on the road with him, to teach them everything he can!”

Sources tattled Lukas, 33, and Micah, 31, his sons with current wife Annie D’Angelo, and Paula, 52, and Amy, 48, his daughters with ex-wife Connie Koepke, are glued to his side.

“It’s not just the music he’s passing on to them, it’s his Willie’s Remedy business and his $25 million fortune,” dished an insider. “When he goes it’ll be on his terms, with cannabis oil and a smile on his face!”