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‘Top Chef’ Winner Busted For Beating Girlfriend Over Group Sex

Celebrity restauranteur Paul Qui was arrested in Austin!

Top Chef Winner Arrest F
YouTube/Austin Police Department

Paul Qui made it to the top of the cooking world with a 2012 win on the Bravo network cooking show “Top Chef” — but he’s being served some Texas justice after allegedly assaulting his girlfriend.

The crazed cook — who owns an Austin, Tex. restaurant named Qui — had police banging on his apartment door early Saturday morning.

The cops found Qui, 31, covered in blood and his girlfriend in hysterics. The police report described Qui as having “blood all over his face, arms, legs and clothing.”

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Cops also reported that Qui’s girlfriend, Stephanie Rodriguez, had “a fresh cut on her right forearm and bruising on her upper arms from Qui grabbing on her and throwing her around the apartment.”

The police report on the incident also found all the ingredients for a sordid story — with Stephanie describing Qui to the police as “very controlling and extremely jealous.”

Stephanie claimed that she had been asleep with her son when Qui came home with a group of friends while in the midst of drugs-and-alcohol binge.

But the party came to an abrupt end, claimed Stephanie, after Qui was offended when one of his pals propositioned her for a round of group sex!

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A fight allegedly broke out, with one of Qui’s pals getting concerned enough to call the police.

Stephanie told police that Qui wouldn’t let her leave the apartment — and the chef also told police that he kept her from leaving before the cops could come and “see all the damage in the apartment.”

Qui was booked on misdemeanor charges of unlawful restraint and of assault causing injury.