Princess Charlene Wants to Leave Monaco With Kids!

Sainte-Devote ceremony, Monaco - 27 Jan 2019

An ugly tug-of-war has exploded in Monaco where troubled Princess Charlene is battling for her twins with her cheater-hubby’s sister Princess Caroline, palace insiders say.

A source claims Charlene, 44, who just returned from four months of treatment at a Swiss mental health clinic, is desperate to take seven-year-old Gabriella and Jacques away from life “in Monaco’s goldfish bowl” and “move to the Alps —if Prince Albert allows it.”

But her sister-in-law Caroline, who looked after the kids while their mom was absent for more than a year, wants to raise the twins as the gambling mecca’s next royal heirs.

“Caroline’s influence over the children is making Charlene frantic,” the source says. “Caroline is determined to mold the twins, especially Jacques the heir apparent, to fit her idea of what a little prince should be.”

Charlene is now having the twins home-schooled and is especially miffed Caroline played mommy and met with the headmistress of a private academy to “look after the children’s future,” the spy says. Now Albert’s fragile wife is under new stress.

As previously reported, before going to the clinic, Charlene spent ten months without the children in her native South Africa. She fled — leaving the royal heirs behind — shortly after a woman slapped skirt-chaser Albert with a paternity suit.

Albert, 64, denies the woman’s teenager is his, but is already supporting two other love children.

“Charlene has had time to think about her life and the future of her children,” a close friend reveals. “She’s realized life in Monaco is not only toxic for herself, but for her children, who are growing up with all kinds of pressures — and Caroline can’t fill her shoes.”

Certainly, Caroline is no stranger to scandal. She’s currently married — in name only — to third hubby Prince Ernst of Hanover, who repeatedly rubs flings in her face. She and her sister, Stephanie, who dated bodyguards, elephant trainers and movie star Rob Lowe, “aren’t the best role models for Charlene’s twins,” the spy claims.

While Albert reportedly agrees with his wife Monaco is a pressure cooker, the source says, “He’s more likely to back Caroline. He wants his kids under his thumb and following a future he wants for them.”