Pentagon Covering up Space Invaders!


Explosive evidence reveals Earth is in great danger from attacking space aliens, but the Pentagon is still finding ways to refuse coming clean about the blood-chilling threat, experts say.

According to a new law that is part of the recent $2.3 billion COVID-19 relief package passed by Congress, the Pentagon is now required to spill the beans on all UFO data it’s been keeping secret for more than 70 years.

The law specifically orders the military to detail all “threats posed by the unidentified aerial phenomena to national security.”

But UFO expert William Birnes believes a loophole will let the military keep under wraps key threats.

“The legislation states: ‘The report[s] shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex,’” notes the author of “UFOs and The White House: What Did Our Presidents Know and When Did They Know It?”

Birnes adds: “If there is anything that exposes any military intelligence or our classified military capabilities — you will NOT see that released. Period!”

For example, if a UFO was spotted by a top-secret military radar system “they will find a way to bury it into something ‘classified’ so it would not have to be released to the public,” he says.

As The National ENQUIRER recently reported, the Pentagon has been releasing former hush-hush info about UFOS.

Photos taken by U.S. Navy pilots during military exercises and near bases in 2004 and 2015 showed amazing craft hovering as if monitoring and then zooming off at speeds and with agility unknown on Earth.

Another photo revealed a UFO shooting out from under the ocean leading one expert to speculate that space invaders were massing under the seas for a major attack on Earth.

Rumors about space aliens coming to Earth began in 1947 when a flying saucer reportedly crashed near Roswell, N.M. Military bigwigs claimed it was a weather balloon.

More talk flew that the military was studying alien bodies and their craft at the top secret Nevada base known as Area 51.

In 1989, Bob Lazer claimed he worked to reverse engineer an alien spacecraft at the facility.

Now Birnes says the new law, while not perfect, shows that Congress is “aggressively looking for answers to the questions:  what UFOs are, where they’re from and why are they here.”