
JON GOSSELIN‘s ex-girlfriend HAILEY GLASSMAN claims the father of eight tried to extort money from his former wife KATE GOSSELIN and threatened to call child protective services on her!

Hailey has come forward with written notes from Jon that allegedly detail his plan to force Kate into ponying up $50,000-$100,000, according to a blockbuster new report from In one note, Jon refers to himself in the third person, writing, "Jon giving Kate ultimatums. He privately extorts Kate. If you don’t do what I want, I’ll do this…"

While Jon denied the allegations via Twitter on Wednesday, Hailey sticks by her story, explaining, "Jon would do sneaky things like that and then play the victim card. That’s what he always did. It was all an act. The man has no boundaries for doing what he needs to do to get what he wants."

Visit for more details, including which child’s injury Hailey says Jon wanted to pin on Kate.