Feds Pay $360G to Protect Hunter Biden!

Hunter Biden
Cristiano Minichiello/AGF/REX/Shutterstock

President Joe Biden’s high-living coke addict son, Hunter, is costing taxpayers more than $30,000 a month to protect!

That’s because the recovering wild man, now an artist and under investigation for his business dealings when dad Joe was vice president, lives in a “resort-style” home in super costly Malibu.

Since Hunter, 52, new wife Melissa and their infant son are due 24/7 protection, the Secret Service shells out $30Gs monthly for the house next door.

Meanwhile, Hunter’s paying $20,000 a month to rent his four-bedroom, three-bath deluxe digs with a pool.

Retired agent Don Mihalek shrugged off the costs, saying, “This isn’t new.”

“Typically, wherever a protectee sets up their residence, the Secret Service is forced to find someplace to rent nearby at market value.”