
Paps trying to pull a "Larry Fortensky" for CHELSEA CLINTON nups may be fired upon by the USAF!

The Federal Aviation Administration has officially declared Chelsea Clinton’s Rhinebeck, NY wedding to Mark Mezvinsky a temporary VIP no fly zone.

This despite the fact that neither President Obama nor alleged "crazed sex poodle" Al Gore will be attending the star-studded nups.

A spokesperson for the FAA confirmed the restriction will apply to all aircraft other than commercial, military and law enforcement or emergency flights.

The "no-fly" ban will be enforced at 7 p.m. Saturday to 7:30 a.m. Sunday and will cover space from ground level up to 2,000 feet in altitude and include a radius of 1.5 nautical miles.

So, for those junior birdmen hoping to commander a Spad XIII vintage aircraft from Rhinebeck’s flying ace museum to make like those hot air balloonists who snapped the Liz Taylor-Larry Fortensky nups back in the 80s, you’re SOL.

Hackers, commandeer your spy satellite coverage NOW!