Accused Thief Takes off With Box of Human Heads!

Science Care Handout
Science Care Handout

A Heartless thief has made off with a box full of human heads meant for medical research!

Authorities in Denver confirmed the nabbed noggins were in a blue-and-white cardboard box labeled Science Care that was burgled from the back of a parked truck in broad daylight.

Cops put on their thinking caps, but so far have been unable to find any leads on the head case who abducted the domes.

Whoever swiped the human remains also snagged a dolly from the truck to help wheel the bizarre loot through the quiet residential neighborhood.

There is a huge black market for selling body parts — with kidneys going for north of $200,000 — but it is unclear whether the perp knew what he was stealing or just lost his head and grabbed the first box he saw. Also, unless the craniums are kept cold in a refrigerator, they will quickly become useless for research and begin to decay — and stink!

Local resident Isaac Fields says he takes his pup Margot every day to the dog park near where the human heads went missing.

“Pretty shocking,” he noodles. “I guess I don’t see too many strange things happening around here usually, but you know, you never know!”