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Baby-Face Jimmy Fallon’s A Smooth Operator




Jimmy Fallon has no laugh lines — or any other wrinkles on his face — and sources reveal it’s because he’s embarked on a secret campaign of nip/ tucks through the years!

The baby-faced Tonight Show host is 50 years old yet still looks like a man in his 30s.

“Jimmy plays it down, but he’s obviously having work done, such as Botox, fillers, lasers and probably much more,” blabs an insider.

“He’s not fooling anyone. He hasn’t aged a day since he started doing Tonight a decade ago!”

Spies snitch the late-night loudmouth refuses to come clean about getting help from his surgeon — even when his pals pester him for his secrets.

“He makes a surprised expression, but he’s not really surprised,” discloses our source. “People think he should just come clean about all the surgery he’s had and not pass it off as genetics, but he would rather pretend he’s the real deal.”

Beverly Hills surgeon Dr. Robert H. Cohen tells The National ENQUIRER the comedian may have achieved his youthful appearance through a variety of non-invasive procedures.

“He looks very natural and may have had a combination of Botox and a biologic filler like Sculptra, which stimulates the body to produce its own collagen to improve facial volume, hide wrinkles, and tighten up the skin,” explains Dr. Cohen, author of SHIELD: Fortify Your Immune System and Improve Your Health.

“He may also have had microneedling with radiofrequency, which can tighten up the skin and build collagen as well.”

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