
The grandson of disgraced President RICHARD NIXON is throwing his hat in the political arena – deep in the heart of celeb-ville – The Hamptons.

Not unlike the Kennedys, Clintons and Bush familys,  CHRISTOPHER NIXON COX, 30, will attempt to use the familial legacy to get elected.

He’s seeking the GOP  nomination in the celeb heavy area of the Hamptons where stars like Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel  call  home and a hot bed of celebs beat the heat during the summer.

In announcing his candidacy, Cox told AP he’s well aware of his grandfather, Richard Nixon’s "checkered" past as the only President to resign from office in the wake of the Watergate .

"I’ve honestly only seen upside at this point. Wherever we go people say that my grandfather was their favorite president,"  Cox admitted.

Cox is the only son of Nixon’s oldest daughter Tricia who wed Edward Cox in a White House ceremony in 1971. The nascent candidate was born in 1979 five years after Nixon resigned.

A lawyer by trade (just like dear ol’ granddad) Cox runs a business consulting firm and  is one of six Republicans  jockeying for the nom in the GOP primary in September.

The Republicans are desperately trying to unseat 4 term Democrat Tim Bishop.

The newest politician on the block who said granddad Dick talked mostly baseball with Cox – The Mets and The Giants – told AP that Nixon did provide some advice politically.

"What he would tell me is the only way you lose is if you stay on the floor," Cox said.

"You’re going to get knocked down time and time again, but keep coming back. And keep trying. The only time you lose is when you stop trying."

After losing the California gubernatorial election in 1962, Nixon had famously said, "You won’t have Nixon to kick around any more anymore because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

Four years later, he was elected the 37th President of the United States.

In a related story, former President Jimmy Carter‘s grandson, Jason Carter, has won the Georgia Senate seat in a special election.