
As MICHAEL DOUGLAS valiantly battles the advanced throat cancer  ravaging his body, devastating grim  images have now emerged of the star’s courageous battle.

As The ENQUIRER previously reported , the 66-year-old Wall Street star was confined to a wheelchair-like-scooter as wife Catherine Zeta-Jones, 41, and their children enjoyed  their Thanksgiving holiday at Disney World.

NOW reports that while Douglas appeared energized for the cameras, posing in a number of staged publicity shots, behind the scenes his recovery is taking its toll.

"He looked frail and sick… he most definitely looked like he needed the wheelchair," said an eyewitness, who snapped several sad photos of Douglas.

However, an aggressive eating campaign in the last three weeks has helped the Oscar-winner rebuild his energy sapped body after eight weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

"Michael has to eat A LOT now to gain back the weight and help him find his strength again," the actor’s longtime friend Allen Burry said.

"That’s one of the hardest things when you have been through the medication and treatment.

"He needs to gain weight."