
Sex and drugs go together like ham and eggs, death and taxes, politics and corruption AND strong>Charlie Sheen.  Now his latest porn pal Capri’s secret drug arrest REVEALED! reports Capri Anderson, the porn star who Charlie Sheen trapped inside a New York hotel bathroom during a cocaine-fueled sex-for-money tryst has a secret drug arrest

Anderson aka Christina Walsh, was arrested in April 2003 after she was caught with up to 20 grams of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Walsh was just 15 and in high school.

Cops in Pinecrest, Florida, a Miami-Dade County suburb, charged the teen with two first degree misdemeanors. However, the status of those charges cannot be revealed because Walsh was busted as a juvenile offender.

Capri, now 22, had a history of teenage drug abuse, leading her parents to enroll her in the Christian camp Teen Challenge.

"When she was in high school she looked like a sweet, innocent girl, but the truth was, she was a teenage drug dealer," her ex-BF Micah Mayell divulged.

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